
Training to Facilitate Your Employability

Le Relais Francophone can, as part of partnerships with training organizations, provide you with distance or face-to-face courses on the following subjects:

  • Essential computer skills,
  • Language practice (French and English),
  • Financial literacy: introduction to personal finances and the banking system

Essential Computer Skills Course

Course Description 

The Essential Computer Skills course covers the basic structure of the technology and techniques used to compose computer technology in the information technology sector. It also describes each phase in the development of computer technology, from its initial introduction to its use in the modern world, to define and differentiate computer innovation.

This course also covers computer terminology and early algorithms and computations to introduce the basic structure of computer technology.

Equipment required: laptops with Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus are provided to participants.

Course duration: 60 hours

Homework hours: 2-3 hours per day

Teaching method: Lectures, computer lab, practical work, presentations. Courses in small groups are available on request.

Learning Objectives

On completion of this course, the learner will be able to :

  • Understand the fundamental concepts of computing, the Internet, hardware and software ;
  • Explain the importance of computer algorithms and their roles;
  • Define the basic concepts of computing;
  • Define the different types of computer terminology;
  • Explain the origins of data storage;
  • Record data and creativity;
  • Use computer programs such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel in professional and academic settings;
  • Integrate Microsoft Office applications for business use.

Contact and Information

Ian Irabaganje (instructor) - - 604-345-5248

English and French Workshops

French Workshop

Le Relais Francophone organizes workshops to help you practice and learn French in small groups, upon request, with our partner Griottes Polyglottes.

English Workshop

Le Relais Francophone encourages you to take part in its workshops given exclusively in English to practice and learn the language, especially during the Q&A sessions and exchanges between participants. Check out our activities calendar to find the workshop that best meets your needs!

Find out all about language courses funded by the Government of Canada for permanent residents and protected persons :

Introduction to personal finance and the banking system 

Financial literacy is one of the keys to success in a new country. That's why we offer free courses to help newcomers understand the basics of personal finance and become acquainted with the Canadian banking system

Webinar Outline

  1. Introduction to Financial Literacy
  2. Increasing Cash Flow and Managing Debt
  3. Building a Sound Financial Footing and Putting the Right Protection in Place
  4. Building Wealth and Accumulating Assets
  5. Strategies for Retirement and Financial Security
  6. Preserving the Value of Your Assets and Passing Them On

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